Monday, March 15, 2021

An Accordion Sketchbook for your nature sketching

 If you have an interest in sketching the world around you, here is an inexpensive sketchbook you can make yourself using only a few materials - a large sheet of drawing paper, ruler, a pencil and scissors, and a bone folder or back of a metal spoon.

Accordion books have been around for awhile. They can be elaborate works of art in themselves but they are just as beautiful as a simple creation that can be closed and tied with a string and easily displayed standing up on a mantle or shelf if constructed with a sturdy paper. 

There are lots of "how-to" tutorials online but this is just a brief overview of how I made mine. 

The first and most important step is to find a sheet of paper that will work well with the medium you will be using - in this case, graphite pencil.  I have used a piece of Strathmore 500 2-ply Bristol, vellum finish.  It has a bit of a "tooth" to grab the graphite so you can achieve nice darks as well as fine detail.  Any sturdy drawing paper will do.

I have measured the paper a height of 7" x 30" length. This made a book of 6 sections measuring 5" x 7" when it is closed.  Once the sections had been measured and folded, I used a bone folder to crease the folds smooth and flattened to make it more like a book.  You can also use the back of a metal spoon for this.

Now your book is ready for your sketches!  This would also be a great project for children.  A classy keepsake that is easy to display and easy to store. 

I'd love to hear from you if you chose to do this project.  Just leave a comment with this post - perhaps with a photo? :) 

Materials used and where I got them ~ 


My favorite art supply source ~ 

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